Factors To Consider To Make A Custom Safety Sign

Everyone is accustomed to safety sign well. They make one understand the various hazards and “don'ts” in a given time. With safety signs in place, one can know where the mistake lies and which lines not to cross. The safety signs can be easily categorised into 3 groups – Top 50, Standard, and Custom Safety Signs. The Top 50 safety signs include the ones like “Drive Slow” and the standard ones are like “In Case Of Fire.. Break This”. However, the one we are talking about is the third one – Custom Safety Signs. Custom safety signs are the ones which are useful in a given scenario and not so in other circumstances. For instance, the “On Air” sign is useful only in a radio or broadcasting studio and not outside it.

In case you are looking for the perfect custom safety sign, here are some factors to consider.

  • Type Of Message: When getting a custom safety sign for your business place, you need to be sure of the message. There are various types of design that should be considered. The various designs have different design templates to be followed. Providing detailed description when making the signs will help. Moreover, the gradient of danger should also be considered when making custom signs.
  • Type Of Material: Another thing that matters a lot when making custom safety signs is the type of material used for the sign. This depends on the surface of the placement of the safety sign. One of the most common materials used in this work is the hard semi-rigid plastic. It is a hard material and can be installed anywhere, inside or outside. For surfaces like glass, a vinyl is the most appropriate. Likewise, aluminium composite is mostly used in safety signs installed outdoors.
  • Size Of The Sign: The size of the sign is a factor to consider when getting custom signs. The size of the sign depends on the distance a lot. For example, if you need a sign “Warning: Watch Your Step”, it doesn't need to be too big. It is relevant only when the person is near the step or pedestal. Making it way too big makes less sense. On the other hand, in the case of “Hearing Protection Zone”, the sign has too large enough to be visible from a distance.
  • Text On The Sign: The most crucial part of a safety sign is the text that warns of the hazard ahead. The rules states using pictures coupled with short and precise text. One has to make sure that the signs don't have really big sentences that will be tough to read. The idea of a safety sign is to make people aware of the hazard ahead with a single glance. While getting your custom sign you need to remember that “less is more”.
These are some factors to consider when making a custom safety sign. These factors make for a good safety sign that will help people visiting your facility stay safe. However, if you are working with an experienced and knowledgeable safety sign maker, there is not the slightest chance of things going wrong in any way.


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